Nov 3, 2017
"Why did you leave your last company?" - How to answer what may be your most uncomfortable
For many people, this question is not an easy one to answer. You may have left on uncomfortable terms and the answer that comes to your...

Apr 19, 2017
How To Find A Career Coach That's Right for you?
It can be a daunting and confusing experience to choose a career coach who will support you best in the job search process. It...

Aug 16, 2016
Are You Willing To Change How You’ve Always Conducted A Job Search?
I recently gave a talk on using LinkedIn to the “American Council for Blind Students” and really had to rethink how I’ve always conducted...

Apr 30, 2015
It's not where you've been but where you want to go that's important.
Instead of job seekers telling me what they want in their next position they tell me their work history: "I did __ at ABC company, then...